I get that United is probably too busy to change their workflow in these times, and many bands are clueless as to what's what as far as files and formats, but I'd be happy to work out a relationship with United to deliver 24-bit masters via Internet hassle free. I heard they often farm out the lacquering due to being so busy these days. *This is also why I avoid referring clients directly to United Record Pressing, because they still ask for audio on a CD-R mailed to them, or charge the client extra money to use 24-bit data version that still must be sent via mail as opposed to Internet, and then who knows if they cut the lacquer with those 24-bit versions or if they just burn it to a CD-R to deliver to whoever cuts the lacquer. This way you can keep the audio at 24-bit (and higher sample rate if applicable), but not worry about the spacing between songs, or even song order getting changed. I can't imagine a better way to do deliver vinyl masters at this point.
Once the album is arranged and the digital master is approved, I make a new montage for each side of the record so that the times on the PDF start from zero for each side as well as some some sonic adjustments unique to the vinyl pre-master.

This usually involves making a separate session or montage in my case because I use Waveleb to assemble album/project masters.

I always* do one continuous WAV file per side, and include a PDF file for each side with the times for each song etc.